środa, 11 grudnia 2013

The next expedition to Xinaliq

Xinaliq is a village situated in the Caucasus at a height of 3150 meters above sea level. It is one of the 26 Albanian tribes and since that time they speak in your native language. More information.

niedziela, 1 grudnia 2013

International Mugham Center

Mugham Center - "The 7.500 sq.m building reminds of the parts of tar, an ancient musical instrument of Azerbaijan. The 3-storey building includes 350-seat concert hall, club, classrooms, recording studio, 80-seat restaurant “Ud”.
Equipments for the building, constructed using the latest technologies, were brought from Italy, Austria,France and Turkey. Over 2000 glasses of different sizes were used in construction. The building has state-of-the-art ventilation and heat systems.
At the International Mugham Centeryoung performers learn the refinements of the art of mugham, an important branch of the Azerbaijani music culture. Concerts of eminent mugham masters, mugham evenings, international conferences and festivals are organized in the Center." (from Heydar Aliyev Foundation internet site.
Now, a litle words about mugham.

sobota, 19 października 2013

Teze Pir Mosque

Tezez Pir Mosque - The construction of the mosque began in 1905 under the guidance of architect Ziverbey Ahmadbekov and under the auspices of Nabat Khanum Rzayev. The works were finished in 1914.

Mosque operate for three years to the time of the October Revolution. Over the years, functioned as a cinema and stable. Again began operations in 1943. Imam of the mosque is the Grand Mufti of the Caucasus
Allahshukur Pashazadeh .

In the years 2006 - 2009 underwent a complete reconstruction of the mosque as a result of which the dome has lost its original green color.

The interior of the mosque is about 1400 square meters and is decorated with ornaments of Azerbaijani art school and part of eastern patterns. Mihrab and dome are made of marble, while the decorative elements of the dome, tops of minarets and inscriptions have been covered with gold stickers.

poniedziałek, 19 sierpnia 2013

Mardakans castles

Mardakan is the next stop on the map Abszeronu. This is an important communication point on the peninsula. All the way - literally and figuratively-leads to this place.In the Summer,  Mardakan is the important center for bakunians,  where cars reach uninterrupted strings and the number of bathers exceeds the number of inhabitants of the town.But not only the beaches are of their interest in the place. In addition, we find Mardakan Rhododendron Park from the museum of Sergei Yesenin (Esenin in Mardakan entry of 21 May 2011) and school of police with a stylish wall crowning characteristic of the city. These tops are the soaring, rectangular or cylindrical towers are surrounded by a defensive wall on a small area. Remained intact one of such complex called "Big Mardakan" with an old, small mosque (the second complex we find the way to Baku in Ramada). Other towers are gradually eroding. At the end of the nineteenth century mardakan's nature lured many nobles and the wealthy to build houses and villas. Very quickly created a richly decorated chalets, and the courtyards and gardens of the estate were blooming exotic flowers and trees.The story Heydar, who is the guardian and he has keys for "Big Mardakan" that many years ago, before the birth of Christ in this place lived Mard tribe, that came from the land of Persia. They were very brave (apparently one of the meanings of the word mard in Azerbaijani language is bold.) In the battle between the Persians and Alexander the Great at Gaugamela (331, before the birth of Christ) Mards were part of the Persian army near the Caucasian Albanians, Kassans and Girkans. Since then trace Mardans disappears from history, and only in manuscripts Strabon we find mention of Mardans living in the south - western shores of the Caspian Sea. As the legend goes, some Mardans returned to Abcheron and settled in this place we know as Mardakan. A few centuries later, the place Mardans became strategically important for Abcheron. During the Shirvanshah Akhsitan  times (moved the capital from Shamakhy to Baku) in 1187 was built rectangular tower, which was known as the "Big Mardakan". Later in 1203 years has been built "Small Mardakan".The towers were built as a lighthouse for ships because of its location along the shoreline. Mardakan's towers were part of a specific chain surrounding the peninsula. From their tops we see the roofs of single-family homes of Mardakan spread out to the horizon and the sea. http://www.window2baku.com/eng/9bashni.htm . http://www.bakupages.com/pages/monuments/9633_en.php  If you visit unannounced guests at the top of the tower set on fire oil and so visible signal over long distances informed about the threat.They were also defense functions and observation.
As told Heydar, during the invasion of the enemy's fortifications gathered women and children, and climbed the ramparts armed voivodship, who led the defense. Conducted in the twentieth century, archaeological excavations led to the discovery of the towers mardakan system of corridors and tunnels connecting each of them with a length of about 400 meters. You could also leave them in the evacuation of nearly the coast. Heydar lives a hundred meters from the site and he has the keys to the tower. At any moment of pleasure is ready to show tourists the "Big Mardakan". Centrally located on the top of the tower are currently wooden staircase. Once getting in there with a rope. Stairs are 76 degrees, after which the darkness we'll get to the top. The square around the tower you will find many holes in the stone floor, which were used to store food and water during the attack. The collected supplies allow for a long defence. "Small Mardakan" is currently available for tourists. So far, no one has an idea to protect the towers. At first, like any monument designated property and the inventory number on. Well, after this monument. A few years ago in "Big Mardakan" there were plans to locate a restaurant or club. The idea was not realized.The chance of survival of these and other sites was the most important national event in 2012 - Eurovision concert. For this project meant a huge amount of petro-dollars, for the construction of an entertainment venue, hotels, catering and renewal of buildings and monuments. Involved in the project were the most important persons in the country, every day was heated competition atmosphere, internal eliminations were already underway, and political rivalry with the hated enemy also was conducted. The competitor - Armenia had already carried out on their land Eurovision Song Contest for children. It's that nobody else involved did not know. Most importantly, the competition was held there first. Such events could disrupt any conflict with the outbreak of the so defiantly say both sides for many years. Just show must go on.

sobota, 27 kwietnia 2013

The Mardakan's Park

The Mardakan's Park  The Absheron Peninsula besides Yanar Dag, Atashgyah has other interesting places that will progress your knowledge about Azerbaijan and its history. Such a place is the Botanical Garden Mardakan. In that corner of paradise is built in 1890, oil magnat's Muktuza  Muchtarowa villa, who was the founder and former owner of the same amenities. The Russian poet Sergei Yesenin  lived and worked in this place in the 1924 to 1925 years. Another attraction of the park are rhododendrons especially their colorful flowers.
The garden can be reached by minibus route from Baku outlet at the airport and on the Mardakan. After going refurbishment comfortable and within half an hour you can reach the mardakan oasis, located next to the school police.Admission to the garden is payable. At the entrance spreading notes Mexican agave, near the growing eucalyptus and oak are looking for Iberian.
Especially in April and May, we can admire the luscious shades of pink rhododendrons. Gathered there is a large collection of evergreen trees: slender cypresses, pines, laurels and olive beauty narrow alleys of the park. It also found refuge palm trees and cacti. Emanating green eyes, the air filled with the scent of roses, chamomile and rosemary and reigning silence away from the hustle and bustle of the car, giving respite and rest.There is also a "Azerbaijani" mini zoo, bear cage trapping, raccoon dog, flamingos, swans, eagles and other majestic creatures Caucasus. Truly pathetic sight.
Walking towards the sea lanes come to a rectangular villa with internal atrium and a beautiful terrace. It is not surprising that in these circumstances, nature has worked creatively Sergei Yesenin. There supposedly wrote "Persian motifs" - a collection of love poems.
Yesenin Museum operates from 3 October 1975. One can find a bust of the writer (one of the walnut tree, the other of white marble), images of Azerbaijani painters meeting Yesenin and photographic materials in the life of the poet.

The following verse of the poet Сергей Есенин «Прощай, Баку! ... »

Прощай, Баку! Тебя я не увижу.
Теперь в душе печаль, теперь в душе испуг.
И сердце под рукой теперь больней и ближе,
И чувствую сильней простое слово: друг.

Прощай, Баку! Синь тюркская, прощай!
Хладеет кровь, ослабевают силы.
Но донесу, как счастье, до могилы
И волны Каспия, и балаханский май.

Прощай, Баку! Прощай, как песнь простая!
В последний раз я друга обниму ...
Чтоб голова его, как роза золотая,
Кивала нежно мне в сиреневом дыму.

Май 1925

and its implementation by Muslim Magomajewa