sobota, 27 kwietnia 2013

The Mardakan's Park

The Mardakan's Park  The Absheron Peninsula besides Yanar Dag, Atashgyah has other interesting places that will progress your knowledge about Azerbaijan and its history. Such a place is the Botanical Garden Mardakan. In that corner of paradise is built in 1890, oil magnat's Muktuza  Muchtarowa villa, who was the founder and former owner of the same amenities. The Russian poet Sergei Yesenin  lived and worked in this place in the 1924 to 1925 years. Another attraction of the park are rhododendrons especially their colorful flowers.
The garden can be reached by minibus route from Baku outlet at the airport and on the Mardakan. After going refurbishment comfortable and within half an hour you can reach the mardakan oasis, located next to the school police.Admission to the garden is payable. At the entrance spreading notes Mexican agave, near the growing eucalyptus and oak are looking for Iberian.
Especially in April and May, we can admire the luscious shades of pink rhododendrons. Gathered there is a large collection of evergreen trees: slender cypresses, pines, laurels and olive beauty narrow alleys of the park. It also found refuge palm trees and cacti. Emanating green eyes, the air filled with the scent of roses, chamomile and rosemary and reigning silence away from the hustle and bustle of the car, giving respite and rest.There is also a "Azerbaijani" mini zoo, bear cage trapping, raccoon dog, flamingos, swans, eagles and other majestic creatures Caucasus. Truly pathetic sight.
Walking towards the sea lanes come to a rectangular villa with internal atrium and a beautiful terrace. It is not surprising that in these circumstances, nature has worked creatively Sergei Yesenin. There supposedly wrote "Persian motifs" - a collection of love poems.
Yesenin Museum operates from 3 October 1975. One can find a bust of the writer (one of the walnut tree, the other of white marble), images of Azerbaijani painters meeting Yesenin and photographic materials in the life of the poet.

The following verse of the poet Сергей Есенин «Прощай, Баку! ... »

Прощай, Баку! Тебя я не увижу.
Теперь в душе печаль, теперь в душе испуг.
И сердце под рукой теперь больней и ближе,
И чувствую сильней простое слово: друг.

Прощай, Баку! Синь тюркская, прощай!
Хладеет кровь, ослабевают силы.
Но донесу, как счастье, до могилы
И волны Каспия, и балаханский май.

Прощай, Баку! Прощай, как песнь простая!
В последний раз я друга обниму ...
Чтоб голова его, как роза золотая,
Кивала нежно мне в сиреневом дыму.

Май 1925

and its implementation by Muslim Magomajewa

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